Knowledge is power.That is true,in my case i get palpations and ive had tons of tests run..So where does that leave me..I think beliving is key to gain the power but when the symptoms are there what can u do but react..
Hey Christine!
You sound so much like me! I get so angry at myself when I have bad days and when I don't feel strong enough. It's either anger, anxiety or depression - when will I ever just be happy?!?! Some days are pretty good but some days seriously stink!!
Let your doctor's run all the tests they feel are necessary and get them out of the way. At least you will know when you have that physical sensation that it is not something physically wrong, just your emotions running wild making your body react. Knowledge is power, so put your mind at ease and take the tests so you will know.
Hang in there!
Okay, thru this past weekend I suffered panic attack over panic attack and constant palpatations. I hate palpatations (did I spell it right?)! They are making me crazy! I can handle a panic attack, I dealt with them years ago but now that they're back I'm getting these things too! Is that normal? I sent to the clinic today and he said that its either panic/anxiety, my thyroid or anemia. I just want an answer to the reason this (the palpatations) is happening to me. I'm getting really upset that it's happening again and I feel totally lost! I would be happy if it was something that could be pin pointed, worrying this much is not normal. Oh well! I guess I'l have to wait until Friday to get my results back! Hope you all had a better weekend!