I am always tired...no matter how much sleep I get I feel that I need an afternoon nap all the time:-(
You are not alone...are you taking medication?
I am taking Zoloft and Clonazepam...
Take care...
Thanks for your replies. I haven't been as tired before as I have been these last few weeks. It was beginning to scare me because my legs feel so tired. Sometimes it fels like they won't take my weight when i stand up, then i worry i have MS symptoms or something!! I had been dong a lot of exercise, a lot on a tepping machine and exercise bike and i haven't really been ding it anymore lately, my boyfriend thinks my legs ache cos they were used to the exercise but I don't know about that!! I just don't see how my legs can ache when I haven't done anything!
I wake up its like i so tired than throughout the day i get really tired too.sometimes a take a nap it so bad..i hate when you cant concentrate,and everything moving all crazy...im pretty lethargic right now,no motivation,i gotta finish remodeling my house in 2 weeks so i can move in it..Its like im to tired..
p.s good post
The anxiety does wear you out. Its pretty physical if you think about all your body does to produce those symptoms we hate so much. I slept so badly last night. i actually did sleep at all! I am so tired and feela s though I could fall asleep sitting here. Exercise does help but its hard to make yourself do it if you feel so tired and lousy. I try to but I have been nauseated, tired, and headachey for the past 2 months!!!
Usually, if I take anything to HELP me sleep such as sleep aids, I feel very much lethargic in the mornings. I have learned also, to not eat big or drink any type of soda before bed. I make sure my meals are earlier just because I slept awful when I ate right before bed.
I take a vitamin every morning and it has made a HUGE differance in how tired and worn out I feel during the day. Just a multi daily vitamin over the counter.
It gives you energy, makes you feel good, stronger and able to accomplish more.
Does anyone suffer from feeling really lethargic and tired all the time. When I wake up in the morning i feel like i've never been asleep. I guess its a by product of anxiety rather than a proper symptom, but i just wondered if anyone else fels the same?