I got no sleep last night. Really, none. I am exhausted today. I think God feels bad for me though. The kids have been really good today and I think that is His way of helping me! The kids take a 2o'clock nap... so will I today!!!! Thanks everyone.
I will try to relax. I really will. I hope I am able to sleep. I just feel so darn lazy when I don't get enough zzz's. Then, I do that thing where I lay there and claculate how many hours of sleep I will get if I fall asleep now... that thing. I hate it.
lauren,please try to get a good night sleep for you and the baby!tomarrow isnt here yet.dont stress!i live one day at a time.as the day comes i do my best to get threw it!sweet dreams!!! gina
Yeah, I know, I am a bit more calm now. I just hate change or not having time to plan. I am now worried about the baby cuz I am having dull cramps on the side of my lower belly. Like under my hip bones. I keep reading that cramps are normal due to the round ligaments stretching but I can't help but worry. Imagine that.
It is okay. My doctor warned me of sudden changes in schedule and stuff. How that will just make anxiety flare ups because you are out of your comfort zone and anywhere outside of it, is sure to make you uneasy. Just remember, it is another day...no biggie!
Tonight, when I got home from my moms, there was a message on my machine from the lady who's kids I watch saying that she needed me to watch the kids tommorow. Normall;y, I don't work Mondays. Hearing this made me soooo anxious and I don't know why. A change like this shouldn't make me anxious. I did have my whole day planned out. But now I am all stressed out about it. No big deal, I just get another day off later in the week but what is my deal? And ofcourse, I am all worried baout getting enough sleep tonight and how I will feel tommorow. I am so frustrated with the way I deal with change. It sucks. I just remember a few years ago when I was "normal" and didn't get anxious about stuff like this. I hate this. I just know tommorow I will be tired and not feel well. I just can't describe how frustrated I am with how I feel right now.