How I love my freedom!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 850 Hours: 8
Minutes: 35 Seconds: 20
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
$11.90 in New York, the highest on average paid for a pack on smoke, Washington state $9.90, $4.75 in North Virginia, and the median across the US $6.00. If you don’t dismiss these number, coupled with other benefits to not smoke, it may just be the straw that’s gonna break the camel’s back. Or, if you quit it could very well bring with it short and long duration rewards.
At the low end cost per month for a single packer is $143.5; median $180, and the high end $357. Try the numbers on a year and what if you are or were a two packer. How much is that? Could you use this money for something else? Bet you could go take a decent vacation somewhere, pay a quarter or more of the monthly cost of a new car. If you rent your living space, a nicer place could be had or if buying, paying down the mortgage early. So what would you or have you saved? And what could you or have done with the saving?