Hi, I have been taking Klonopin for over 2 years, I took Xanax for about a month, then ativan {lorazapam} for a few months, your letters have me concerned and worried a bit, I am weaning off a low-dose Zoloft, I take one 0.5 Klonopin every night to relax and fall asleep better, it has helped, on very rare occasions I have taken an extra half of one 0.25 milligram, but very rarely, I try SO hard to keep it low because of addiction and withdrawal. My question is at this low-dose will I have horrible problems going off it, even if I wean slowly. for example cutting in 1/2's and 1/4's?? The dose is low, the time on it is long, I was going to start Paxil again to wean off the Klonopin, Zoloft was way to activating for me and made me more hyper, Paxil worked great a low-dose 12.5 or 25.5 once a day, Will I have seizures when I go off it, I expect some rebound anxiety and insomnia, unpleasent, but I could take that just NOT the seizures, can I have a seizure when I wean from Klonopin??! Thank you for any replies. God bless, and thanks again, Debbie.