Ahh, but here you are, Kristen, at the end of one of the best months of your life. Your first month as a nonsmoker in a very long time. So I'd like to say
Hi Kristen; Hope you're working through your trials and are able to catch a bit of a break soon! WOW Girl, you have been through it all lately - and without cigarettes! That's amazing; good for you!
I think there are great words of wisdom in Aloha's post below. I join her in congratulating you for tackling (and winning) your battle against Nicodemon in spite of a very difficult period in your life! I sincerely hope your life settles down to a more manageable level soon! In the meantime, NOPE works for this part of your journey anyway! Keep it up Kristen - You're doing great! Eyja
Kristen, I love that you're so honest about the challenges you're facing, and that you recognize the blessings where they are in your life, and I especially love that you don't use any of the challenges to justify smoking. Seems like you really do understand that smoking won't make anything better. You're a great example to many others much older in years. As for the challenge/blessings issue; I'd suggest to keep focusing on the gratitude you feel while still dealing with the challenges in a "get er done" way, and it's my experience that the seesaw will start tipping more towards the blessings. We all have challenges throughout life, but from what I've seen, those who are willing to do what it takes to get past them, like yourself, are the ones who end up with the most to be grateful for.
Keep up the awesome progress! I, and many others here, are so proud of you (that's a hug in case you can't tell..lol)
It's a blessing to have so many kind words and to have family that is willing to help you out in your time of need. My boyfriends aunt is letting us use her car until we get ours fixed. I just can't believe that with all of this going on that I am still not wanting to pick up smoking again. This time i'm done for good. I'm tired of always being weak from smoking and not being able to do the things that i'm supposed to (I.E. taking care of my family)... Again thank you all for being there for me. It's made it a lot easier for me to be able to do this. It really means a lot!
Hi Kristen, It is really important that if you have not taken any nicotine in a few days to throw away the gum. You don't need it anymore and if you take it again it will reinforce your addiction. No more gum, no more nicotine. N.O.P.E.
Let your body heal completely Kristen and stay with us as you renew your body and your life.
The thing about all this is, I don't even want to pick up another cigarette. I haven't had to use the nicotine gum in a couple days. I am just really tired of being stressed out. Luck has to change sometime...
Stay strong! You have received some really great words of encouragement from your fellow members! They are right, despite the setbacks and difficult situations you are dealing with at this time you are prevailing as a non-smoker!
Be proud, we are!
What coping mechanisms have you been using to ward off cravings?