Dear Grace, This is something I do know about. When I started my exercise program a year ago to lose the Paxil weight I gained, I WAS SORE!!! I rode the "exercycle" had such pain down my leg from my butt and back for 2 weeks! Then I tried lifting weights, big mistake, I konked my neck out and had horrible headaches, tried sit-ups and crunches, pulled tummy mucles, I even "spotted" if you know what I mean from all that stomach pulling! I stopped and just started "power-walking" every night for 30-40 minutes, at least its good exercise and I do not hurt myself! I have that pain in the upper front thigh region you mentioned, its from walking, but it does not scare or concern me its not bad and I know what it is from, you do not have bone cancer, its just ligaments joints and mucsles, I had all kinds of aches and pains from exercising, now I just walk and its good! Good luck, go slow with the exercise, the pain should get better. Sending prayers GOd bless, Debbie.