It is great to hear how positive thinking has assisted you in your quit. Be sure to keep moving forward in a positive direction and know that we are here supporting you along the way.
Positive thinking got me through the rough spots in my quit. I kept hearing "fake it until you make it", so I did. It worked for me then and it does now. It's one of the reasons I used the jen_quit name for this board, I chose it while I still smoked. I choose to stay upbeat, so I always put a smiley face after my name on my posts. It's hard to be down when you're smiling. :)
Positive thinking can be a very powerful tool to use in everyday life. Those who use positive thinking are more likely to anticipate happiness, joy and a successful outcome to every situation. Some say that whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Members, what are your thoughts on the powers of positive thinking?