Hi Ruby, going crazy is my main fear and yes that is a very commom trait of anxiety. My counselor has reassured me that anxiety cannot make you lose control and individuals who are truley crazy don't worry about going crazy. Don't feel alone because many feel the same way you do.
When it happens to me I keep repeating the Bible verse, "God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND mind."
It's an awful feeling, I know. (I also head for the xanax) :)
Thanks everyone for your support, I woke up early this morning and I had an anxiety attack. I tried to do my breathing and it didn't work the attack just got worse I ended up taking a valium. I wanted to go and wake my boyfriend up but I decided in the end not to as he would of just told me to go back to bed. When I'm having the attack I feel like I'm going crazy
and I get all these weird feelings on top of that. I didn't even leave the house yesterday because of the way I was feeling. Today my boyfriend wants to go to the post office and do a bit of shopping and I don't won't to go. I'm to scared to go anywhere because I'm worried I'm going to have an attack, then when I have an attack I freak out and I just want to get home real fast. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm going on and on I just need someone to talk to. And I know you guys understand.
Ruby..... :(
ruby,one minute a will be fine and the next minute total terror.for no reason!i know exactly what you are talking about.the only thing that helps me is xanax. gina
i sit with my arms folded which is stupid but i do it lol..anyways i sit there and i cant find comfort..i call it a comfort zone..it used to be a drink,a hot shower,or the beloved xanax..now im just freaked out..mostly because i think im immune to the xanax..so now im at a crossroads i take 1mg xanax a day 3 times..is that alot..
ruby i pray for you..
Ruby, I can totally relate to that crazy feeling. It is hard to explain. I would assume that it is part of the anxiety. The more anxious I get the worse it makes me feel. I have been advised to try different relaxation techniques when this happens. However, it is really hard to find the time with my busy schedule. I also say a quick prayer. That helps as well. I think the road to feeling better is long and I also think it takes a lot of work. It is so hard to change the way you think. I feel like it took me 28 years to get here, how long will it take me to change?
I completely understand....so many times I 'nap' because I don't want to deal with the thoughts in my head or the anxities or fears...I do this almost everyday...
How are you feeling today?
Please take some time for yourself:-)
Hi sotired,
Thanks for your reply, I'm taking Effexor XR and I also take valium when I need to( If I have a bad attack). I hate feeling like this. I think if I was able to handle the crazy feeling the part were I think I'm going to lose it, I might be able to handle the rest. If you know what I mean. At lunch time today I felt like this and I layed down and put myself to sleep. Then I slept for the rest of the afternoon. It's getting to the stage were I'll just put myself to sleep it's better than being awake feeling it.
Thanks for the email address it's good to know I can email you.
Dear Ruby,
I know how you feel -- everyday I wonder if I am going crazy...sometimes you have so many things going on at the same time...and feel anxious and panicky does not help...try to breathe...I know it sounds silly but we forget to sometimes...I know I do and I just have to breathe and try to calm down....try going for a walk -- that may help...
I know it is difficult Ruby, but you are NOT going crazy...and please take care...
Are you taking medication?
I find that Zoloft and Clonazepam work for me...
Hi Everyone,
Lately I feel like I am going to lose control, or feel like I'm going crazy.I feel really weird I could be just laying on the lounge and the next minute I get this feeling and the next minute I'm thinking am I going crazy. It's a horrible feeling I just can't explain it in any other detail. Does any one else feel like this? Is this a part of anxiety? I really need some advice. I know lately I have been under alot of stress. Could it be this that's causing it.
Ruby..... :quest: