I am not sure why I get so anxious. I am comfortable with it. I actually only have the kids 3 days a week for about 7 hours. But they are young, 4 and 10 months. They need to be watched constantly. The 4 year old starts preschool next year so that will help. I was having alot of anxiety about the baby being okay. I had my followup ultrasound yesterday and all is well. About 2% chance of miscarriage. I am very excited about that. I did end up sleeping good last night. And the kids should be here soon and I am fine.
That is strange. Do you wonder if maybe you just have a lot on your mind about having your work day right there and what your going to do and all that is involved?
I just wonder why you your mind gets anxious over something you are comfortable with. Maybe when it is closer for the baby to be born you may have to take a break and get some much needed rest.
Hope you feel better!
I have been doing so well. Now I am getting that sleep anxiety thing. I have been off from watching the kids since Wednesday and have been fine. Now that they are coming tommorow I am fearing the whole sleep thing. I don't know why I do this! If I don't have to work, I am fine. But when I have to watch the kids, I get so anxious about sleeping. Its not stressful and I never panic when they are hear. I don't understand what the deal is.