Good question! Nicotine from cigars is easily absorbed through the lining of the mouth and of course through the lungs. Since cigars contain a much higher level of nicotine than cigarettes and since it readily enters the body even without inhalation, the smoker can experience a nicotine addition.
I imagine that smoking cigars could contribute to a relapse of smoking cigarettes - any way to satisfy the body's craving for nicotine.
In any case, there is no safe level of tobacco use, whether someone smokes cigars or cigarettes.
Vincenza, Do you think that the amount of nicotine absorbed through the lining of your mouth ,from cigars, can contribute to relapse to smoking cigarettes?
Members, Think smoking a cigar won’t hurt? Think again! Did you know cigars contain many of the same poisonous cancer causing chemicals found in cigarettes? What’s more is you are putting yourself at higher risk for cancers of the mouth, esophagus and larynx. (4 to 10 times more likely.) You are also 4 times more likely to be affected with COPD or emphysema. Not worth it, right?