Welcome to The Panic Center. We thank you for sharing your story with us today. This support group is full of supportive individuals who may be able to help you answer some questions regarding panic and anxiety.
If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physicians advice.
The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor.
We also have developed a Panic Program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead.
If you have any questions or concerns with our "TOOLS" you can contact our support department at support@paniccenter.net.
Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.
The Panic Center Support Team.
I have been anxious all the time too.Since 2 years ago watching my grandmother die,and my kids both having mild tourettes syndrome and also taking care of my mother in law with MS.I notice the more I am alone and sitting around I think more and get more anxious.I try to keep myself busy,and also this forum has helped me alot.I have my good days and bad.Try to think positive,and good luck.
I'm new to this site and I had panic disorder a few years ago, after going to CBT I was 100% better, going on holiday, working generally having a ball.
After having a miscarriage and an armed robbery at work my panic attacks have returned really bad. I am anxious all the time and don't want to go out or do anything, my doctor put me on citalopram that was about a week and a half ago. I haven't been at work in two weeks and can't even think about it. Please can someone help me I feel like a nervous wreak.