Dear Sotired, I also take Clonazapam and Zoloft {weaning slowly off the Zoloft now} I do not take the Birth Control pill, but from what I read the Zoloft and Clonzapam do NOT decrease the effectivness of the pill. The pharmisist told me that Antibotics will decrease the effectiveness of the pill I do remember that. I had a pregnancy scare a few months ago, I was 3 weeks late and was convinced I was pregnant even after 3 tests! I felt the same way you did, nausea, sleepiness and I put on a couple of pounds, I know the Zoloft tends to make me have nausea and the Clonazapam makes me sleepy, it could be side effects of the meds, also I was wondering as I read your post perhaps these 2 meds cause menstual irregular cycles?? I noticed when I increased my Zoloft my monthly went haywire, now that I decreased its back to normal, I do not think these 2 meds will interfere with the pill, they may be causing the side effects you mentioned {as with me} and perhaps is making your period late, thats what I thought of when I read your post, I am going to go back on Paxil soon and still take the Clonzapam, it worked better, I get the same symptoms you have and I attribute it to the 2 meds! You can call the pharmacy and ask them if Zoloft and Clonazapam reduce the effectiveness of the pill, but I do not think so. My preg test was negative. I hope you are feeling better. God bless, Debbie.