Thank you for introducing yourself and letting us know how the site has been beneficial to you. I do encourage to drop by more often and share your words of wisdom. You sound like a very inspiring and interesting individual who has a lot to share.
I often come to this site and read the posts. I do not often respond. Selfish really. I appreciate all the thoughts and posts that everyone shares. I don't think I have read anything that wasn't of some value. I love the Thought's for the Day that Duffis shares. I also love knowing that the regular's are here giving consistent support. Thanks everyone!!
It is important to know that members and Health Educators are always here for support. It is also important to realize that by sharing we can all assist and learn from one another. Take some time to find that one post that made a difference for you.
Share with us and continue to post support, you never know who it will help.