Dear Cookie, Thanks so much for your reply. I totally can relate, I take Klonopin at night to sleep and relax, then in the morning I am still slightly sedated and tired because of Klonopins long half-life, so I drink coffee, cigarettes and get all hyper and the panic starts again!! I have been better the last week, I have cut down from 5 huge mugs of coffee to 1 or 2 and it has helped, I also have a little bit to eat, some protein, it has helped alot, caffeine I firmly beleive is the WORST thing for people with panic and anxiety, one cup is alright but excessive is a definate panic trigger. I found this out the hard way. Blood surgar and panic are So closely related I agree with you, what you described with yourself is what I go through, I notice eating better and walking has helped too. I hope you are doing good Cookie, God bless, Debbie.