Have you taken the time to start your journaling? Journaling can be as easy as a personal recount of your daily activities, your emotional thoughts or what made you smile today.
Make today the day you actively involve a journal into your routine. Take the time to choose the right journal and make it fun. Pick something that gives you positive energy and a happy feeling. It can be your favorite superhero or your favorite print. You are using it everyday and it should be a happy moment when you take it out
How you prepare your journal is up to you. Diary style, listing style, inspirational style, happy thought style, or reward style. Whatever you choose, know that it can help you pinpoint areas that you may want to re-asses and further work on, or just reflect on a year in review.
It is important to try and write down all your feelings and emotions. Use this as a place to gain momentum and happiness. Use it as a place to pour out all your bad feelings or good ones. Use it for all your rewards. Use it to look back and remember. Use it to challenge yourself and set goals.
Use it for yourself and see the difference it can make.