twin thats why i say enjoy the good days right..anyways we will find what works for us its a mission for me..i will beat this,there are people fighting cancer to the last breathe..we will fight pure terror,and deeling of craziness,and health issues till we win..we gotta fight to win..
i feel very stressed and i am having muscle spazims in my right arm freaks me out everytime i get it. i am going to the doctors wednesday.i am going to get him to check out my whole body once again.i am trying to get myself off to work. i havent been to my counciler lately cause of money issues. my daughter is sick today also.i am scared to try the meds my counciler wants me to try.i guess i will be stuck like this forever.i am in a catch 22 i need time off work but i have too work to make money to see my counciler.i have tried everything to feel better. i will feel good for a day or two than back to the dumps.will this ever go away????? well gotta go! gina