I don't mean to just plop my posts here and there, but I really want some feedback about my symptoms. Is it really reasonable to believe that these are all just anxiety? I am so convinced that there *must* be something underlying causing all of this (neurological, or hormonal, or tumor related, whatever!) and I need someone to talk some sense into me. My family and friends try so hard to tell me that there is nothing majorly wrong with me, even doctors tell me they think I am ok (no one has given me what I truly want right now which is an MRI) but I just keep thinking there *must* be something else to this than "just anxiety".
I posted these symptoms in the "lets list our symptoms thread" but wanted them in a post by themselves too, so maybe I can get some individual feedback on them. I really need that right now.
Thanks for reading....
Here are all my symptoms, I'll try to categorize them, even though sometimes they are "interchangeable" with my general anxiety and panic attacks.
Day to day anxiety symptoms:
Buzzing or humming in left hand/fingers and left foot
Tingling in right leg
Heaviness and/or stiffness in right arm, right leg, sometimes whole right side including right side of face and right side of groin
Feeling of loss of coordination in both legs
Headaches, in forehead and temples, very painful and sharp
Headaches, in back of head, near neck
Shaking like I just took 10 caffeine pills
Twitching, usually in face, lips, side of nose, eye, tongue
Twitching in muscles
Short of breath
Sinus congestion
Skin crawling feeling, often on face, sometimes in arms and legs
Forgetful, can't remember conversations with people like I used to
Feeling like I am slowly losing my mind, or "going crazy"
Panic attacks:
Sudden confusion, disorientation
Severe fear, alarm, feeling like I have just been given some grave, horrible news about my health
Everything around me looks dreamlike, or altered somehow, but I cannot find whats "different"
I feel like I am losing my mind or "going crazy"
Feel like I am "stuck in a dream"
Numbness in arms, like someone drained the blood out of them
Urge to call 911
Severe, intense crying jag, usually just for a few minutes
Sometimes after I cry, I feel "instantly" relieved, as if I just took a se