Hey Shell!
I'm sorry you're not feeling good this morning! Remember that this is just anxiety and it will be ok! I know that's hard to believe because right now your mind is racing a million miles an hour, but it will go away and it will be ok! Try to take a few deep breaths through your diaphragm (spelling?). Breath in really slow through your nose to the count of 5 then really slow out your nose to the count of 7. Do this a few times, it does help. Keep telling yourself, this is just anxiety and I can handle it, I'm not going to die, I've been through this before and made it, I will make it through this time as well. If you can lay down while you do this, that would also help, but if you're at work or something and can't, that's ok. Try to slow your thoughts. You said the other day that you just started the program. Grab one of the Panic Forms and get it all out on paper or write it out on the Panic Diary - it really does help!
You are stronger than you think - I promise! You can do this! You are not alone!