Thank you for your inspirational post. I am currently on Xanax, 0.25mg twice a day, and want nothing more than to stop taking it and start fighting this thing one-on-one, without the aid of drugs.
I fear the side affects of Xanax, and the damage it is causing me while helping me with my anxiety. I planned on calling my doctor tomorrow and asking him how to taper off of it, since I was told not to stop Xanax cold turkey. Your post has given me courage to go through with my plan.
I'm very afraid of the anxiety attacks that will most assuredly return once I'm off Xanax. I still have minor anxiety attacks from time to time, even when I'm on Xanax, so I know their going to come back full force once I'm off of it.
I just don't know what to do to cope with that feeling like I'm dying. Like I'm floating away in my head, and that I cannot breath. I've read that some people do controlled breathing and visualization of "happy" places during attacks to get through them. You said you walk on the tread mill, but I'd be afraid I would pass out on the darn thing and crack my skull. Any other recommendations on how to beat the panic attacks without drugs?
I'm not sure how strong other people's panic attacks are, but dear God! I would swear to anyone and anything that I'm dying when I have mine. My head feels super dizzy, and floaty. My vision blurs. My heart rate shoots up to over 130, just resting, and I can feel my heart pounding. My fingers go numb, my hands feel weak, my left arm hurts, my face gets numb, sometimes it feels like my mouth and tongue wants to tremble uncontrollably. It is absolutely the most terrifying experience in the world, and I would not wish it upon even my worst enemy. How do I overcome this without drugs? Do I just power through it? Grit my teeth and think of happy things until it passes?
This world of anxiety/panic attacks that I have entered is horrible one, and I don't want to live in it. I want to move back into the world I grew up in, where I lived a "normal" life, and didn't have a constant feeling of dizziness and disassociation hovering over my shoulder...threatening to strike at any moment. Just thinking about it almost brings me to tears. I somehow broke myself by worrying too much about everyone, and I just want t