I just had my Therapist appt. She was stunned to learn that I drink 4-5 18 oz styofoam cups of coffee everyday, and drink a 12 oz orange juice and only eat once a day {dinner} she thinks that is making the depression and panic worse. I never thought that was the cause, she said its not the whole thing that I would have panic probably anyway, but that its making it worse, that when the caffiene wears off my blood surgar plummets and I crash into a deep tired depression. I will try anything to get well and recover, are those habits I listed above bad? I guess they are. I woke up today feeling SO tired and depressed, I actually drank the coffee to feel more wired, I wonder if its causing the diareaha {can never spell that right} and burning lower stomach pain, I am so sick of being sick. Smoking, not eating right, orange juice {acid} excessive caffiene can NOT be good for someone like me with panic and anxiety, I am willing to try anything because now I am getting depression spells because its so bad and I am not getting better, has any noticed too much coffee and not eating much makes them worse?? THe withdrawal from the Zoloft is going rough, I am going to try to eat a big fat steak tonight and get my iron and protien up! PLease wish me luck and say some prayers, I so much want to feel better again, its effecting my son and that is so terrible to know, I cut back on coffee today just 2 cups instead of 5, I have a headache but I can live with it, any opinions or advice I would be grateful. Thank you, Debbie.