I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to our site all the newcomers. We hope your quit is going well! The individuals within our site have very valuable experience to share, and have conquered a tremendous feat. Congratulations to you all!
Just a reminder for everyone to post their Anniversary quit dates in our Anniversary Celebrations section under the SSC Community Link. We would also be honored to have you recount your personal success story in the Hall Of Fame Section of the SSC Community Link. Please also take the time to nominate someone for the Hall Of Fame Recipient. We choose one member every month. Both links will prompt you where to enter all the necessary information.
Everyone deserves to be recognized for the success of quitting smoking. Your experience may just help someone through his or her own personal journey. Please also remember to use your blogs, avatars, and support group options! This is a great way to connect with someone that can assist you through your journey as well as sharing common questions and concerns.
We want to make sure that each and every one of our members receives the recognition deserved for their hard work and accomplishments.