I took my Klonopin and fell asleep at 3:00 am, woke up at 5:00 am like someone put cold water on my face, started worrying about everything, my husband my son my health and the panic, I went out to the garage and just screamed and sobbed for an hour, I was so mad that its keeping me up at night, It was like I was trying to "cry and scream and curse" thee panic right out of me, was that some kind of breakdown or breakthrough??? I have not panicked today, just very shaky, queasy and exhausted, I have reached the point where this anxiety disorder HAS to go, because of the severeness of it, it has led to a dark depression because my world has gotten smaller and smaller and I have gotten weaker and weaker. Somehow some way I have to come out of this or die trying, because its reached the point where ENOUGH!! Can anyone relate to this, I have to find a Doctor to prescribe Paxil, I am livid this medicine got me well 3 years ago and I cannot have it now, should I take the "Pexeva" Paxil if anyone knows anything about this Pexeva please let me know. I guess the bottom line is if I have to live with panic disorder I must get it under control, my little boy asked me yesterday "Mom do you have a mental problem" I felt like I was socked in the stomach, I must get a handle on it. Please send prayers to me I need to be strong. Thank you, Debbie.