hey bygrace ive had gerd over 3 years..i cant drink pop,pasta i gotta watch everything i eat or i will pay,at the same time i know my anxiety makes it worse..you summed it up pretty well when u said that you really dont know what causes it like anxiety..well most of the time im like you i have no trigger food it just comes out of no where..my advice from the research ive done,and you dont want to damage your esphagus from heartburn is get on a ppi..most of them have no side effcts even me im not afraid to take them it helps..i still grab the mylanta to,my choice of second option..i take aciphex 20 mg..
The pain is like u said sometimes in the gut to the breatbone and than all the way up,terrible pain i hate it,other times its like its i dont feel it and its just in my throat thats bad to feel like your going to puke all over..i hope i helped ive reseached gerd well i thought it was going to kill me you know me hypofreak lol..anything else holla at me..get on a ppi...