Outlaw... What I have learned after going through what you are going through exactly is.. as my psychologist says YOU CAN'T ARGUE With and Obsession. When they say Obsessive Compulsive they mean it man!..... Lets say you were obsessed with Germs... the Key word is exposure... Don't try not to think about something .... Go ahead take some time during the day and bring it to your conscious level on purpose... For me it is I am obsessesed with the fear that I might go crazy.. this is just a stuck thought. The trick has been for me not to do the compulsive stuff. Like I would spend hours up hours looking up symptoms and reasuring myself. The compulsive part is what makes your anxiety go down. When you obsess ... oh my heart is fast, my blood pressure is high.. these are thoughts that cause symptomatic responses then you feel compelled to find something to relieve the anxiety. You are obsessed with the idea that maybe the Doctor missed something.. So sit in a chair and worry about for 45 minutes a day think about nothing else until our conscious mind grow weary of thinking about it. Try to leave the compulsive part alone. Like don't take your blood pressure ..... if your heart races from walking across the floor ,,, like mine did so many times before.... float with it ... I had to learn to do so but by not waiting for the symptoms, by not putting out more adrenaline eventually your mind and body start to level back off and start recovery.. I am not saying every day is going to be good, but it will get better. What you resist persists, if you accept and live with it , it then has a chance to get better.. When you get a cold I would venture to say you know that in time, it will get better.. Your heart is the strongest muscle in your body and it can take a lot of punishment. If you really don't trust what your Doctor is doing,,, be proactive and get another opinion. If you have trusted him and think down deep in your HEART pardon the pun... that he knows what he is doing ,, then trust. The key is to accept and the symptoms will get better. I mentioned before to you about the possibility of Beta Blockers.. I have used them succesfully for benign PVC's (pre ventricle contractions ) and they work. I on ocassion still get heart palps... but not as