grace i used to take nexium for my acid reflux it works great.but now i dont have insurance so i take zantac.i hope you feel better.i have heart burn right this very moment.gina
I want to jump on the wagon with both of you! my acid reflux has been bad, and like you Gina, I can feel pain from when I swallow all the way down. Yesterday was very bad. I just started Prilosec OTC because I keep hearing all these people say how good it is.
Praying for all of us!!!!!!
outlaw!!!hang in there!!i am also living on zantac!!every time i swallowed i could feel pain going down my neck into my chest it sucks.i pray for you all the time isnt that what twins are supposed to is a new day brush your shoulders off! your friend always gina!! hugssssssssss!!!
so monday came and went..sunday i was sick as a dog with gerd chest hurt so bad,so i went to bed woke up,like what am i going to have i feel acid but it wasnt to bad..its weird my gerd has flared up 3 times in a row everytime same day almost,and lasts all the way till fall..
so my gurl had traffic court it was bad my head was pounding i right side it felt like i was losing my mind...the weather i belive did it was real cloudy barotmic pressure maybe..
so i take a nap wake up head lil better but that was hell earler than comes some gerd,than that eases up..than some heart palps than im typing on losing my mind im asick daily i feel real symptoms what should i do??im tired of being sick and tired and feeling like anything...
prayers needed i wish i could cry...hugs..