Hi Everyone:
I haven't been here for about a month. My panic started in October 2004. I still have panic attacks, but because I know what they are, they are more mild. However, I have extremely bad GAD! I focus on my health ALL the time (probably like most of you).
I just wanted to tell you guys it's good to have such a great support system where we can share so honestly.
I've been having MAJOR GAD over the last couple of weeks because I'm convinced I have Esophagus Cancer. I have all the symptoms, yet I've never smoked, don't drink & I'm only 30.
I came here because I've been looking all over the internet for difficulty swallowing sites and was once again reminded that it could just be anxiety. My throat feels tight all the time now. Kinda like someone is gripping it from the front - not as much sore as very tight.
So, what's so funny? Looking over the many discussions I have missed, I have to say I laughed out loud a bit because I can relate so well to so many of your symptoms. I laughed because I felt all alone in my symptoms, but I'm reminded of how similar my symptoms are to most of you. I also laughed at myself because the last 3 months I was dizzy most of the time & had another brain scan - nothing. All of a sudden my dizziness is gone & now I have difficulty swallowing!
I'm thankful all you guys are here. I wish we weren't, but in the meantime, "Thanks".
PS - By the way, anyone with the tense upper throat (and I mean ALL the time)? Thick liquids bother me most. GERD medication for 1 week didn't help.