Have you considered or talked to your doctor about Lexapro? The reason I ask is because your symtoms are always SOOOOOOO much like mine. Your emotions, fears and such, It always reminds me of myself.
I have tried the wellbutrin but I am telling you, it is just a happy pill for minor depression. It does nothing for anxiety or panic.
The lexapro can start off at a very small dose, like 10mg a day. I know a lot of women that I work with are on this (some even elderly for hormone issues) and I am always asking about side effects and get nothing. They take it every day just like I do and say how much it has helped.
I can understand you have a FEAR of medication but I am telling you, once you get on something that works, and it kicks in....you are so happy to not have daily overwhelming symptoms.
I think I just got to a point that ANYTHING at all was better than feeling like I did and I was ready to give it a try.