Dear Grace, Not only is it possible, its a fact. I was normal, great fine for a little over a year, I walked every night went out places etc.... Once in awhile I would become a little shaky, but no full blown panic attacks and very little health anxiety, I felt great, then in Jan of this year I had a "relapse" I guess that is probably the main reason I was so upset, to feel healthy and normal for a year and have "it" come back was so awful! But the good news is even at my worst these last few months I was never as "bad" as three years ago "no more sqaure one" I went into remission with very little medication too. I am a VERY nervous hyper anxious person and if I could go into remisssion anyone can! I am working toward that goal again, I realize I will always have this inside me to a degree, but I hope with prayer and time I can feel like I did that whole year, I am grateful and thankful for that healthy normal "sane" year, and you know what Grace, I did it once and I am hoping to do it again, I will always be hyper and high-strung but if the panic eased I could live a good life. Yes remission does happen, it happened to me and I am praying that it happens to all on this site. Thanks, Debbie.