Hi. Sounds like classic anxiety. Sure the meds may be helping but you also need to be actively working on changing your thoughts and moods. There is no magic "pill" to remedy this condition. It is an emotional illness.
This site has some great tools and a program to help you understand some of what you are living with, symptoms and reactions.
You might also like to read "Hope and Help For Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes. The book was written long ago, is available on the net, but it is by far im my opinion the best resource to explain the symptoms, thoughts and problems anxiety sufferers deal with. It also will give you hope and a program for recovery. But that also means you have to be willing to work on [b]you[/b].
Part of learning is acceptance. I can see from your post that you have been checked by the Doctors and everything came back normal. You have not accepted this and still think the docs may have missed something. That is normal for anxiety sufferers. It is part of what keeps the anxiety/panic alive, [b]what if[/b] thinking.
You are [b]not[/b]crazy. You are having normal reactions to your sensitized state of emotions. The mind is powerful, there is a built in "auto protect" system called "Fight or flight" For someone who suffers from PAs, this normal auto protect is misfiring. It is being set off by your thoughts.
You are ok, what you are thinking and feeling is normal for PA sufferers.
You might like to think about finding a therapist who does CBT thearpy too. That coupled with your meds should help you get it back together.