Who knew that the clock could actually give over more hours...
So now there is so much more time and so much of that time so much more productive I get way more done...
I swim more often. I have more social events with friends and family I have even started some of my own traditions around holidays. I work less and have more time where and when I am less stressed. I am more focused and all in all way more productive! I have more money and therefore I get to do some more of my favorite stuff like travel to exotic countries ...learn to cook more wonderful food.
enjoy every moment more and more.
The major thing that I get to do more of now ... more than I have even done and I something I never thought that I would do is ... volunteer work within in my communities. I have the time now to spearhead, develop, coordinate and facilitate ground breaking projects that advance people's lives and give them more of the life that they want to live.
I get to not only do this fullfilling and satisfying work because I have more time, I get to do this because I have so much more self confidence and inner strength than I ever though I would have. As a smoker I was a victim, now as a quitter I have my own success and from that my own internal source of personal power.
Who would have thought that quitting something could add so much more.
Good question Josie.
Always with heart and delivered with Joy!
Best regards
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 2/17/2006 Smoke-Free Days: 1546 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 38,650 Amount Saved: $16,426.25 Life Gained: Days: 277 Hrs: 11 Mins: 42 Seconds: 13
Since I only smoked outside, now I try to be more productive when I'm out with my kids. They play while I dig in the garden or write on my laptop. The best part is that I am not poisoning my little bun in the oven!
I'm saving so much time - I only smoked outside - since the quit it's almost like I get so much more done in a day.
I'm walking more, I've spent more time with neighbors and just people in general because before I was embarrassed if I saw someone at the grocery or in the neighborhood because I knew I smelled like smoke and would be distant or standoffish.
I'm reading and posting on SSC and trying to learn as much as possible about the problems of smoking (thinking about things to do with the money I was spending on cigarettes.
Trying to find the root causes of my smoking and just enjoying being smoke free for 32 days. Hooray Yipee
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 4/10/2010 Smoke-Free Days: 32 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 480 Amount Saved: $120.00 Life Gained: Days: 4 Hrs: 14 Mins: 31 Seconds: 4