It is the job of parents to educate their children and protect them from the dangers of the world. Tobacco use is something parents need to teach their children about, set expectations to not use, and monitor that behavior. There will always be temptations or evils in the world, but parents set that expectation and teach their children to make good choices. I think that is a significant issue in our society; the attempt to blame others for our own weaknesses. I know from smoking at a young age myself, that had my parents been more aware of where I was and what I was doing at that age, I would not have been able to get away with smoke at age 12. Just my two cents.
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 11/23/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 164
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,280
Amount Saved: $1,148.00
Life Gained:
Days: 14 Hrs: 7 Mins: 47 Seconds: 36
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 5576
Hours: 15
Minutes: 13
Seconds: 4
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked