I am right there with ya. My gerd is at an all time high. It is frustrating because I do not even HAVE to eat and it will still give me great problems. I may just have a muffin and in an hour my gut and chest is hurtig me.
I drink a TON Of Maloxx. We use to give it a lot in the ER for stomach upset.
I think if my gerd was under control, my anxiety would be as well. I am so glad you can relate Outlaw to the fact that it really does cause chest pain and heart flippies. It also bothers my shoulder area. What about that with you?
ever year around this time my anxiety is fixed on my heart..the thing is though the last 2 years at the end of april my gerd starts up real bad..i dont know if its the weather or what but now im freaked out..i sat in bed with mylanta and my aciphex wasnt working..its weird in the winter the last 2 years ive focused on my heart the symptoms are there..than in the summer its gerd..i have the scope down my throat in december it showed minor inflamation..no cancer and gerd..so i do have gerd,its not all in my head..why does it act up at this time of the year,i worry its heart problems because heartburn is a symptom of heart problems...or im just going to have full blown gerd all summer and fall again this year..i havent changed my diet or anything im hoping this is a flareup..im really tired and feel like ****..eithier im going crazy,or my gerd just loves summer,or my heart is messed up i dunno..any ideas..im lost..