I'm glad you're feeling great! Quitting smoking is a self-esteem builder--not to mention a health builder. Since each quit is different, we don't know if we would have been able to quit in the past. If so, why didn't we? I read a slogan somewhere recently that says something like, Have no regrets. What could have been is as hidden from us as what will be. All we know is what is, one day a a time. If I start smoking again, I'm not assured that I'll be able to quit again. It took me twenty years to get this amount of time again. I also know that one of the reasons it may have taken so long to quit is because I really didn't want to quit. I just knew I needed to quit and had to quit. Nicotine causes insanity. If I smoke again I may become convinced again that I enjoy it. In any case, let's not play with fire. Let's just keep accumulating days. Doing so is like accumulating security.
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 5/1/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 361
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 10,108
Amount Saved: $4,295.90
Life Gained:
Days: 40 Hrs: 16 Mins: 30 Seconds: 9