As I walked to the library today, an elderly man puffed a lung full of smoke into the air. I couldn't avoid the cloud. It was vile. Not only did it stink, it made me think it had been down inside his body, inside his mouth, ewwww how un-hygenic is that??
I know, I know......I used to do it, but I never ever thought about the consequences of those around me- shame on me.
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 5/10/2008 Smoke-Free Days: 677 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 16,925 Amount Saved: $10,155.00 Life Gained: Days: 82 Hrs: 16 Mins: 6 Seconds: 48
Do you passively smoke? Do your loved ones? If you regularly breathe second hand smoke you would be considered a passive smoker! Stand up for your health. Ask loved ones to take it outside or leave when in an environment where there is second hand smoke.
Members, when do you have trouble saying no to passive smoking?