Putting a cigarette to your lips 300 times a day. Geesh, it's no wonder it's so difficult to break the habit in the first instance. Imagine how much water you'd drink if you took a sip those 300 times. Or took a step. If the average flight of stairs has 12 steps, 300 steps would come to 25 flights of stairs a day, or just higher than a 12 storey building.
300 brussels sprouts a day.
300 sneezes.
300 dog barks.
No small number indeed. Good thought provoker Josie!
x T
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 1/1/2007 Smoke-Free Days: 1087 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 25,001 Amount Saved: �6,875.28 Life Gained: Days: 94 Hrs: 17 Mins: 42 Seconds: 56
Psychological dependence – Smoking becomes a crutch that smokers use to deal with stress and anxiety. The more a person smokes under these conditions, the less other ways of coping are used. Cigarettes quickly replace the other less harmful coping behaviors that a person would normally use. This often leads to an increase in smoking.
Habit – Smoking becomes a habit because it’s practiced many times a day. For example, pack-a-day smokers lift cigarettes to their mouth and inhale about 109,500 times a year. Also, smoking is linked by habit to other behaviors such as drinking coffee, work breaks, drinking alcohol, and social situations.