I get the tension stuff to. My upper back always hurts but people with bad backs normally complain of their lower back hurting. I also get this odd crick in my neck when I try to sleep. I exercise but I guess it waould help to stretch. Glad your appt. went well. My husband takes lexapro too, for GAD, and he likes it. He doesn't get panic attacks though.
I saw my shrink today. The one that handles my medications, not a therapist. I told her of the less panic but the hightened awareness of anxiety and some obsessive thoughts. I have been on the up dose of Lexapro now for about 5-6 weeks and not gained a single lb. That is good news.
She told me that you can safely take Xanax 4 times a day to help with anxiety. So morning, noon, late day and evening. We talked about stress and what it does to you emotionally and physically. How your body may react physically to stress when you feel fine emotionally. Such as tension headaches, tension in the shoulders and neck. etc....
I still think i need to find a therapist who can actually get me into recovery therapy but for now I am glad to have a doctor to give me my meds!!!!