Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1226 Hours: 0
Minutes: 3 Seconds: 28
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Isn't it funny, how you go a few days and its great. Then out of the blue u crave a smoke again!! My mouth is sore from chewing the gum again. I'm snacking like crazy. Even hurts to eat the snacks! lol Sitting here thinking, why can't my quit be like my hubbys. He's been quit 5 years now. He used patches for two days and that was it! Never seemed to crave one, or have any withdrawals. Never talked about it, just quit! I on other hand have been totally different than that! lol I have used every NRT on the market, plus chantix and zyban in the past. My doc said i was the most addicted to nicotine, that he had ever seen. So I tired everything and failed repeatly. I want to quit while im still healthy. I don't even have a smokers cough and never have. I take no medications (except NRTs) lol I just feel like its time for me to quit but its sooooooooo hard. My dad is 77 and smokes and is healthy as a horse! He takes no medications either. I guess he is one the lucky ones!! I'm afraid to take that gamble, so I'm quitting. Slowly, surely, painfully!!! Just had one of those days and needed to vent! lol