Gina, Noone is getting tired of you do not worry. I just logged on for the first time today, my son came home early from school with a killer cold, last night it was just a scratchy throat today fever, congestion etc...I was busy trying to care for him, he is so sick! I am so sorry you had such a bad day, I was so hoping a day off work would help, did you feel scared because you were alone? I wish I could hug you, you took a Xanax and that will relieve the symptoms so the panic should go away very soon, I think perhaps the pinched nerve are giving you these symptoms, I do not believe its anything terrible and I know you will be alright. I am here if you need to post. I am praying for you, the Xanax will relax you and make you sleepy, and you will sleep well and I know tomm will be better. God bless, Debbie.