Gina. Actually I envy you, at least you GO to doctors and try to get help, I hate going to doctors and have to "be pulled kicking and screaming" to go to one. My Mother-in-law had similar symptoms like you do, numbness, tingling and it was a pinched nerve, she saw a chiropractor and felt better in less than a month! I am glad you are probably so relieved to know now its nothing serious. I am glad you had a good day! Debbie.
i am trying not to get too excited cause i know this temperary relief.i just feel better when i am dianosed with something and its not just in my head.
Oh Gina that is happy news! If its a minor pinched nerve that can be easily corrected by a chiropractor, I know when I wear heals my neck and shoulders hurt. You are going to great!! Debbie.
hi everyone, i went to the chiropracter today for the first time!it helped so......much!yesturday i noticed below my neck stared to swell and i have been having severe pain between my shoulder blades amd that tingleing in the front of my neck anyways my girlfriend said you should go to my chiropracter so i did what i pain between my soulders no numbness in my finger tips.i am actullay standing up straighter.i think it helped with some of my stress cause now i dont have the pain and worry!i have to go back monday and ice my back this weekend.i asked him how did i get this and he said its from tension and the shoes i back feels great right now!
well i thught i would share some good news for a change! gina