Hi everybody! I hope you read my message. The meds are like xanax. They are just a calmer downer. I love them. They have helped me tremendously. They come in .25 on up to 1 mg.
Hi Casey, (Support Specialist)
Thanks for the information.
So is kalma(alprazolam)is that similar to xanax?
When my Mum got the script done at the pharmacy I asked the chemist to give us information on kalma, but the chemist said the printer wasn't working on the computer so he couldn't print any information. Then I asked him could he give us any information on it by telling us abit about it, and then the chemist guy said he was to busy and he didn't have the time.
So that was real nice of him wasn't it. I won't be going back to that chemist again.
Ruby..... :)
Hi Ruby,
Yes, the other name for alprazolam is Xanax, which is used for panic and anxiety. Your pharmacist would be able to provide further details on the use of this medication.
The Panic Center Support Team
Hi everyone,
Has anyone heard of this medication kalma (alprazolam)
my Mum was prescibed this from the doctor. Any information would be helpful.
Ruby........... ;)