Maybe this isnt the forum for this but I wasnt sure where to post about it.
I just wanted to express my admiration for Mark Lunsford, the Florida man who lost his daughter when she was taken from her own bed, assaulted and buried alive to die.
Today I see on the news that he is assisting in a search for another young girl missing named Sara Lundee.
The pain, heartbreak and anguish this father carries in his heart and he is pushing past all these feelings to go out and search for another missing girl, what courage.
I cannot begin to understand his pain at having lost a child, but as a parent I can feel for him deeply.
I prayed for him when his own child was gone missing and I pray for this other young girl and her family now experiencing their grief about their missing child.
I know I would not have the strenth of Mark Lunsford but surely he is in the arms of Christ at this time. The source of his courage and bravery is great.
I will never understand why these awful things happen to children, that is between me and God to work out. But I ask for prayers for these people. I consider them silent Heros.
"Be Not Afraid" Pope John Paul II
Courage dosen´t always roar. Sometimes courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying " I will try again tomorrow."
Mary Anne Radmacher-hershey