I thinik i'm one of the rare people on this discussion board that doesn't have panic attacks, but instead has CONSTANT derealization and depersonalization. It's been this way for about two years now, but only recently has it become next to unbearable. I'm a first year college student, and i live in the dorms five hours away from home. My derealization has always been manageable, but then this one night, i very stupidly used marijuana, and had this experience where i lost sense of reality, but i could still control myself, like awful derealization. Anyways, that was four weeks ago, and my derealization has always had a way of immitating things like drug experiences. I went home for two weeks to recooperate, but of course i had to come back to college, and it has now gotten as bad as it was before i went home. What really throws me for a loop is when i think about existential things, such as "where am i in the world" and "what does it mean to be viewing and participating in the world." Anyways, I can functioin normally, but my mind is going berzerk. If anyone has any similar stories, or words of advice, they would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the length.