Withdrawal symptoms (or cravings) are the most uncomfortable part of quitting. And even though quitting is very good for your health, withdrawal symptoms may actually make you feel worse before you feel better.
The good news is that withdrawal symptoms last a short time and you can take action to help reduce their effects. Many people find it helpful to realize that withdrawal symptoms are a sign of your body healing itself.
Hell week or your first smoke-free week is the most difficult. Our Support Group members call it “hell week” because that’s when withdrawal symptoms are their strongest. As a smoker, you’ve spent a large part of your waking hours feeding your body nicotine, so when you stop the feeding; your body craves what it misses. During your first smoke-free week your withdrawal symptoms (and cravings) may, at times, seem almost unbearable. However it’s extremely important for you to realize that these symptoms do, and will, taper off.
Our Support Group members call the second smoke-free week ’heck week’. It’s called ‘heck week; because the withdrawal symptoms and cravings are not as severe as they are during ‘hell week’ (the first week).
However, during this second week you might feel ‘tired of fighting’ the withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It’s important for you to measure the difference between feeling tired of fighting withdrawal symptoms, and their actual level of severity.
It’s also important to realize that each quitter experiences different withdrawal symptoms - yours will be unique. Although they may be unpleasant, they do and will pass.