Crying after panic/anxiety is a great release for all the fear and feelings we are dealing with and a natural release.
Beating yourself up after a panic attack with statements
[b]I feel like such a failure for not controlling my anxiety. [/b]
[b]I hate living every day shaking and shaking and panicking [/b]
[b]I feel so hopeless [/b]
Is something we all do, but something we need to change. Thoughts directly effect our moods.
You did not sign up to have anxiety and panic you developed this reaction due to stress, worry, and being overwhelmed with whatever was going on in your life at the time.
Your emotions, nerves are worn out from all the hours, days, weeks, months of fighting the panic and anxiety. Depression is sure to follow it is total depletion and the bodies way to shut down so it can recharge the batteries.
You need to help your body and mind as much as possible. You can do this by changing the way you think which will change the way you feel. You have read this I am sure in books. Now put it into pratice.
For starters take all those negative things you posted and write them down, when you are calm go back and write something positive beside each one. Next time you are feeling bad, look at the positive things.
It takes time to change the habit of negative thinking but you can start to change it anytime you choose to, you dont have to live this way everyday. Be kind to yourself like a friend would. Sometimes we have noone else to treat us kind so we must do it ourselves.
I am off my lecture box now. Sending you hugs and prayers