Here is one for you all, I get up this morning, walk into the kitchen to get some breakfast, and there in that trash shining like a bright neon sign is the pack of cigarettes I gave to my girlfriend to throw away the night before I quit, and I'm alone in the apartment. I'm thinking, are you kidding me? It took her 126 days to throw them out..?? I picked them up, I opened them, and there were still 17 left in the pack, the same way I left them. Then I said to myself, not like this, no way am I losing my quit smoking stale cigarettes out of the trash. So I calmly put them back into the trash can and made my breakfast. And of course the crave came on, the junkie seen the smokes and wanted one, as I knew he would. Amazing to me that the same pack shows up 4 months later, needless to say my girlfriend got a little talking to when she got home. I guess it goes to show you that we all must be vigilant and be aware at all times of our addiction.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 4/2/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 126
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,040
Amount Saved: $1,512.00
Life Gained:
Days: 18 Hrs: 16 Mins: 43 Seconds: 17
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1061
Hours: 4
Minutes: 8
Seconds: 2
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked