Lauren, I have a book "When Words are Not Enough" by Dr. Valerie Raskin {excellant book} there is a chapter about pregnancy and antidepressants, Zoloft look to be the safest one during pregnancy, many woman I know took it in pregnancy, I think the more questionable ones are the anti-anxiety like Xanax and Klonopin etc... Would he let you take .25-.50 during pregnancy? I will do some research on the web and let you know about the safety. Do you think you are pregnant??!! WOW! I hope so, what a wonderful Mom you will make, I am praying the test is positive, I am so happy for you, if you are not there is always next month {and just think of all the fun trying} You are young and healthy and will do great. I am having a rough day, just trying to get through it, I see my nurse tomm, my friend says I want a "quick fix" this is been going on 4 months now, and last time over a year, a quick fix would be nice. Let me know how you are. Debbie.