The way I am looking at it, I am so proud of you that you accomplished 2 great days!! that is awesome!!!! even if you can take small baby steps to recovery 2 full days is a great way to make progress.
You truly encouraged me with your positive outlook!
I know how you feel when you say (your sick of living like this). But like I said Don't give up there is Hope. Try and not focus on the pain in your back as this will only cause you to have an anxiety attack.
And thinking about it will only make you feel worse.
Take a panadol for the pain as this will help. And say this to yourself, That anxiety will not kill you or cause you to have a heart attack. You heart is very strong. Thats what the doctor told me.
Think positive,
Ruby......... ;)
Hi Gina,
I'am sorry to hear your not feeling well, but don't give up, keep on trying. You have had a good couple of days there, just don't let this little setback put you back. BE STRONG AND THINK POSITIVE.
Ruby............ :)