Dear Vickers, You have been so great to me, I wanted to write you and tell you I totally understand, the news and media scares us parents to death. What I did was buy my son {he's 12} a T-mobile cell-phone, thats a phone where they do not have a contract or monthly bill, you just buy a card for the minutes, when he was smaller we had "walkie-talkies" good for them if they are within 4 or 5 miles, I have spent hours and hours warning him about "stranger-danger" to always run scream and fight and never to go with anyone! I know I have drilled it in his head over and over, but I think he understands. I know it is scary and I worry too, they teach the kids so much about safety in school these days they are very informed, the T-mobile might be good for them that way you can call them and tell them to "get their little butts home" Mothers will always worry even before I developed panic disorder I worried, I think its ingrained in us or something, you are not alone, all Moms I know worry about the kids, Dad's too but not to the extent. Let me know about what you think about the "kiddie cell phones" I have gotten through the day without panicking, I am so happy and the blackness is lifting too, evening and night are always better for me for some reason. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Debbie.