Dear VIckers, I have been holding my own, I have not panicked, which is good, instead I feel so exhausted, drained and weak, my husband says I look like a corpse that someone dug up, that was so swwet! I just want to crawl into bed and sleep and sleep, I used to walk 4o minutes a night now I can hardly make it around the block, I think the terrible relapse into panic has caused a deep black depression, I actually feel like I am dying, I look so awful, I cannot even look in the mirror, its so scary to lose your coping skills and fear life {and death} I am on meds and a relaspe on meds is really frightning, will I ever recover and feel normal? I feel everyone has given up on me, I do not even have the strength to brush my hair, the nurse who treated me for my GYN condition refuses to call me back, and I will not call again, its apparent she recieved her money and thats that, I am on my own, I just want to feel normal again, not even happy, I have given up on happy, just normal and healthy, will I ever be myself again? I am praying to God so very hard to help me. Thank you, Debbie.